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These are samples of some of the most commonly used granites for memorials. There are many other granites available, however not all of them are suitable for monumental use, i.e. they may crack or fade when used outdoors. Marble is also available but not recommended as it is a softer, porous stone and therefore is prone to chipping and discolouration.
There are more samples that may not be included in this range, so if you have seen a specific colour that is not displayed here please call us to see if we have it available.
Please remember you are not limited to choosing just one colour, if you would like to choose 2 colours, we will be more than happy to help you with your colour selection if you require assistance.

Premium Black

Blue Pearl

Emerald Pearl

African Impala

Noble Grey

Black Galaxy

Tan Brown


Horizon G654

Sapphire Brown



Balmoral Red


Multicolour Red

African Red

Ruby Red

Imperial Red


Viscount White

Vizag Blue

Carrara Marble

G660 Grey

Grey 439

Grey G682

Grey 633

G603 Grey

Grey 635

Moon White

Grey 657

Olive Green

Balmoral Green
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